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'The school’s vision of giving pupils ‘the roots to grow and wings to fly’ is recognised by everyone' (Ofsted, September 2023).

'Pupils know and understand the school’s core values of love, righteousness and fellowship. They strive to live these out in all they do' (Ofsted, September 2023).

‘Pupils treat each other with kindness and compassion’ (Ofsted, September 2023).

‘Pupils play together harmoniously (Ofsted, September 2023).

‘Pupils are enthusiastic about their learning’ (Ofsted, September 2023).

'A highly inclusive environment permeates throughout the school. All pupils are supported to access the curriculum and wider school life' (Ofsted, September 2023).

'The school ensures that all pupils have access to a broad range of experiences' (Ofsted, September 2023).

‘Reading is given the highest priority' (Ofsted, September 2023).

'Due to the sharp focus on phonics, outcomes are high' (Ofsted, September 2023).

'Everyone has high expectations for behaviour in school' (Ofsted, September 2023).

As a Church of England primary school our Christian values underpin the way in which we treat each other- evident in the mutual respect and caring ethos seen as you walk around our school.

Quality learning is at the heart of everything we do. Through an inspirational and engaging curriculum we ensure learning is something to enjoy as well as providing the rigour and challenge to enable all children to achieve their best. We regard ourselves as a learning community, encouraging children to develop skills and dispositions for life-long learning in their journey towards fulfilling their goals and aspirations.

We achieve our aims through a close partnership with parents and an exceptional team of staff and governors.

To find out more about us please come and visit and see the school in operation.  We would love to meet you and welcome you to our school.

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Our School Values

“And · its leaves · were for the healing of the nations” (Revelations 22:2)


From the early Greek word “agape”, found in the Bible, meaning a love which is a true reflection of the love of God: unconditional, self-giving, compassionate, purposeful and transformative


From the early greek word “dikalosyne”, found in the Bible, which includes a concern to live as well as we can, seeking excellence in our own lives, defending peace, pursuing justice, valuing truth and demonstrating a genuine regard for others, which shows itself in generosity of action.


From the early Greek word “koinonia”, found in the Bible, meaning a readiness to live in community with one another, recognising our interwoven lives and valuing what each person has to offer, because we are richer as each of us makes our unique contribution to the life of us all.

Our School Vision

Our accessible, inclusive & nourishing environments will foster self- assured, articulate and aspiring learners, with the resourcefulness to remain hopeful, resilient and adaptable, (even) in a changing and unpredictable world.

A place where:

  • Children feel happy, secure and valued.
  • Everyone is valued equally
  • Standards of Teaching & Learning are high.
  • A well-planned, broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum is provided
  • The Christian values of Love,Fellowship and Righteousness form our foundation and shape our community.
  • The British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs are promoted. 
  • Expectations are high
  • Involvement is educationally nourishing and spiritually uplifting.
  • We recognise and celebrate children’s individual talents and abilities and nurture their individual potential.
  • All children are ready for their next stage of education and life beyond the school.

We aim for a Western Downland child to have...

  • A life long thirst for learning
  • The self belief and work ethic to meet the world and participate in society with confidenceand success
  • A keen sense of moral responsibility and purpose, through encouragement of self discipline and management.
  • A curriculum that is dynamic, memorable, well balanced and responsive to an ever changing world.
  • Outstanding teaching
  • An environment that is nurturing, safe, vibrant and focused on learning
  • Spiritual awareness and preparation for their future life through an understanding and knowledge of Christianity